什么?你不能答应?卫凤瑶不敢相信地瞪着陈源,卫剑雄暗暗摇头,卫剑英脸上的微笑收了起来,右手开始旋转左手拇指上的玉扳指,卫凤娇眉头微皱,原本给陈源的温柔笑容冷了下去,脸色渐渐变得铁青。Johannes Klare is the senior, charismatic preacher of an unofficial, self-supporting fringe church in Stuttgart, aided by his devout, devoted wife Lydia and her ex-con cousin Bernd Trampe. Finding juvenile homeless busker Simon Rützel, who talked sense, by the way but refusing to be taken to hospital as ODd junkie, the childless couple take him in their home and start to think ...